gc equia forte bond
- Increased strength
- Improves aesthetics
- Wear resistance
EQUIA Forte Coat is a clear, highly wear resistant, self-adhesive light-cured resin coating which laminates EQUIA Forte Fil to toughen, polish and protect.
EQUIA Forte is a Glass Hybrid material which represents the latest innovation in GCʼs glass ionomer and resin technologies with EQUIA Forte Fil and EQUIA Forte Coat, working in synergy. United they build a stronger, superior posterior bulk fill material. This unique restorative system for all age groups will impress you on all levels.
Compared to other restorative options, EQUIA Forte gives a substantial time advantage. The impressive aesthetics widen your posterior restorative options to fulfil your patientʼs expectations. Based on the EQUIA system, clinically proven over several years, EQUIA Forte offers a great alternative for your daily routine.
- Class I restorations
- Class II restorations including stress-bearing as per IFU
- Class V and root surface restorations
- Intermediate and transitional restorations
- Core build up
- 1 x 4ml Bottle
- 25 x Disposable Applicators