diadent evofill duo (cordless obturation system)
Cordless Warm Vertical Compaction & Backfill Obturation System
EvoFill Duo is the new advanced cordless obturation system from DiaDent Group International that consists of EvoFill backfill obturation device and EvoPack warm vertical compaction device. With the innovative electric motor, EvoFill features precisely controlled motorized gutta percha extrusion, fast heating bendable thin tip, and digital control panel. Save valuable time with hygienic single-use gutta percha cartridge that provides reliable result every time. EvoPack effectively and tightly compacts and seals all canals including lateral canals. It features LED light-guided condenser, instant heating, and digital temperature control. Both units can be fully charged within 90 minutes!
EvoPack effectively and tightly compacts and seals all canals including lateral canals. With the innovative electric motor, EvoFill features precisely controlled motorized gutta percha extrusion, fast heating bendable thin tip, and digital control panel.