pd granulotec (20 gm powder + 15 ml liquid)
Original price
Rs. 4,650.00
Original price
Rs. 4,650.00
Original price
Rs. 4,650.00
Rs. 4,650.00
Rs. 4,650.00
Current price
Rs. 4,650.00
PD Granulotec is a Eugenol free, bactericidal,non resorbable and radiopaque preparationfor the permanent obturation after pulpectomyand root canal treatment, of infected rootcanals, specifi cally in presence of a granuloma.It ensures the healing of the infection, the resorption of the granuloma and the regeneration of the periapical tissues. It is also used as a permanent obturation of non-infected (vital) teeth.
- Permanent obturation of infected root canals.
- Treatment of granuloma.
- Ensure,in one only treatment.
- Enables direct coronal obturations with composites.
- Allows ,if required,easy re-reaming of the canal for further inlay core or bridge reconstruction.
- 1 portion provides more than 50 treatments.
- Universal composition.
- Eugenol free composition.
- Adequate texture of the paste after setting.
- Economical presentation.
- 1 x 20 gm Powder
- 1 x 15 ml Liquid
- 1 x Pipette
- 1 x Rotary Paste Filler (n 35 , 25 mm)