Ethicon Bonewax W31C
Ethicon Bonewax W31C
Ethicon Bonewax is a specialized hemostatic agent used in surgical procedures involving bone to help control bleeding and promote hemostasis. It is a sterile, malleable wax-like substance designed to adhere to bone surfaces when applied, creating a physical barrier that aids in stopping bleeding from bone tissue. The main components of Bonewax typically include beeswax and isopropyl palmitate or other ingredients. The blend of these materials gives the Bonewax its characteristic texture, which allows it to be easily molded and applied to the bleeding bone surface by the surgeon. During surgical interventions that involve cutting, drilling, or manipulating bone, bleeding from the bone can be a challenging issue. Bonewax offers an effective solution to address this concern. When Bonewax comes into contact with blood or body fluids, it adheres to the bone, creating a seal and acting as a mechanical barrier to control bleeding. This property makes it particularly useful in various surgical specialties, including orthopedic, neurosurgery, and maxillofacial surgeries.
- Suitable for use in various bone types and surgical specialties.
- Can be applied directly to bleeding sites for precise control.
- Promotes rapid hemostasis, reducing operating time.
- Complements other hemostatic methods when needed.
- Helps maintain a clear surgical field for better visibility.
- Available in different sizes for varying surgical needs.
- Non-toxic and biocompatible for patient safety.
- Does not interfere with bone healing or tissue repair.
- Trusted and widely used in medical settings worldwide.
- Bone Wax
- : No
- Non: Woven
- : No
- : Yes
- : No
- Ensure clean hands and wear gloves.
- Take Bonewax from a sterile container.
- Mold into shape with fingers or instruments.
- Apply directly to the bleeding bone surface.
- Firmly press for adherence and hemostasis.
- Use gauze for added pressure if needed.
- Dispose of unused Bonewax properly.
- Coordinate with the surgical team if using other hemostatic techniques.
- Document use in patient's records.
- 1 x Box of Bonewax (12 Pcs in box)