dmg ionosit-baseliner
Light curing baseliner material.
Ionosit-B baseliner is the >>stress breaker<<among the dental materials. This light curing active baseliner is ideal one-component under filling material for composite restorations. Its active chemistry compensates for the shrinkage typical with composite fillings, prevents marginal gap formations, and with that minimizes postoperative sensitivities, microfractures and secondary caries.
• Gap free restorations
• Unique compensation for composite polymerization shrinkage stress through controlled expansion
• Fluoride release
• Antibacterial properties(due to zinc content)
• No complicated hand mixing
• Protects the pulp
• Seals the dentine tubules
• Prevents postoperative sensitivities
• Radiopaque
Underfilling material for composite, amalgam and ceramic restorations and for blocking out undercuts.